
The Bishop Neumann Speech Team performs at local and state competitions with a variety of interpretive and public address events. The team strives to give their best, most dynamic performances at every meet.

Coach: Amy Reisen


  • 1994

Our history of Nebraska State Speech Champions includes the following students:

  • 1985 – Pam Tvrdy in Original Oratory
  • 2008 – Elizabeth Bettendorf in Poetry
  • 2009 – Hannah Kauffold in Humorous Prose
  • 2013 – Michaela Steager in Serious Prose
  • 2014 – Micah Braunsroth, Connor Sabatka, Emily Brabec & Hannah Simonds – Oral Interpretive Drama
  • 2015 – Hannah Simonds in Entertainment Speaking
  • 2018 – Tanner Langemeier in Serious Prose
  • 2018 – John Celesky in Poetry
  • 2019 – Tanner Langemeier in Humorous Prose