Neumann Fund Appeal

The Annual Neumann Fund Appeal was created in 2015 to relieve the burden of the contribution assessments from the 11 supporting parishes of the deanery. This also helps offset and ensure affordable Catholic education for all students and families. With your support, we can provide resources to students and teachers to continually strengthen our unwavering support system for our school and our community. 90% of every dollar goes directly to teachers in the form of salaries, benefits, and continuing education.

Our goal is to have 100% of our families donate to the Annual Neumann Fund Appeal. Bishop Neumann Catholic High School strives to keep tuition costs low to provide affordable and accessible Catholic education to the students we serve. The difference between the cost of education and the tuition we charge is $7,750. Donations help cover this cost for each student. All donation amounts are welcome. Every gift counts!

Giving Levels

Platinum – $5,000+

Gold – $1,000

Silver – $500

Red – $250

White – Up to $249


How can you maximize your gift?


Consider making a monthly pledge or an automated Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) to help contribute to the Neumann Fund Appeal. Please contact Rika Ryan in the Development Office at (402) 443-4151 to set up your payment options.

Matching Gift Program – Many companies provide matching gift programs that multiply their employees’ charitable donations. To obtain a matching gift, contact your employer’s human resources department for a form or information.

Neumann Fund Appeal F.A.Q.s


Why do we have the Neumann Fund annual appeal?

The Neumann Fund runs for a fiscal year of July 1st to June 30th. This fund was set up from the strategic plans to help supplement the difference after tuition and the assessments of the parishes. Currently, the tuition covers only about a third of the cost of salaries and benefits for our hard-working teachers.

What are the “parish assessments”?

Catholic education is one of the key evangelical apostolates of our parishes. The Bishop and pastors are committed to this work to make it affordable for all who desire such an education. This was a system set up many years ago by the diocese to help fund the schools from the general tithe of the parishes. While at the time it was a good system, over the years tithing has decreased to a rate that has made the assessment burdensome and difficult for parishes to address their own needs. The strategic plan of Saunders Catholic Schools has been trying to address that issue and decrease the burden with programs like the Neumann Fund Appeal, while keeping tuition affordable for families.

Why don’t we just charge more tuition?

Saunders Catholic School community wants to keep the school system authentically Catholic and affordable. That doesn’t just mean teaching the faith and getting to know Jesus. That also means being good stewards, remaining to our roots of charitable giving, and providing the next generation a witness to authentic Christian living centered on self-sacrificial love. Your gift teaches others that generosity is not just something we do, it is who we are.

Where are the funds going?

In general, it is for operations. More specifically, it allows us to stay competitive on teacher salaries and benefits. Ninety percent of our expenses go directly to teachers, so these funds help us to recruit and retain high-caliber faculty and staff.

Can’t we just fundraise elsewhere for this? Like the GALA and other events?

We can and do! The GALA is designated for capital improvements and deferred maintenance for all three schools. GALA and other fundraisers are more available to our friends in the local area. The Neumann Fund Appeal reaches all of our benefactors, alumni, and friends across the country who continue to have a relationship with the school that formed them, helped them find their vocation, and want to support our mission. This is your chance to give back!

Where do we go from here?

Sometimes we think, “Oh, my small amount can’t be much help.” But we know that whether it’s $20 or $2000, Saunders Catholic schools are supported not by the size of the gift, but by the size of the hearts of the many people who believe in who and what we are teaching and living each day – Jesus Christ!  Jesus said of the widow who gave two coins, “She has put in more than all… she out of her poverty put in all she had, her whole living.” If everyone in the Church community just tithes 2% of their income to their parish Church and the schools, there would be enough. It would not fix all the financial problems but it would make it much more attainable for us to support our mission. The more difficult challenge is changing hearts to see the overall benefit of a strong Catholic community all want to be a part of.  

Final thoughts.

Our goal still remains to have 100% of our community to contribute some amount to the fund. Please consider donating to the annual fund on a monthly basis to reach 1% of your annual income. Any amount is going to get us closer to consistent support to provide high-quality Catholic education.

Thank you for your continued support, without you, school operations are not possible.