All of our scholarships are endowment based.
Scholarship Endowed Funds can be created with donations of $10,000 or more. These endowments can help fund specific programs or tuition assistance for Bishop Neumann students. They can be created as a “fixed tradition” or “flexible.” Learn more about each endowment simply by clicking the name of the link below or by contacting the Development Office.
Thank you for your support and generosity!
What is an Endowment?
An endowment is a donation of money or property to a nonprofit organization, which uses the resulting investment income for a specific purpose. An endowment can also refer to the total of a nonprofit institution’s investable assets, also known as its “principal” or “corpus,” which is meant to be used for operations or programs that are consistent with the wishes of the donor(s). Most endowments are designed to keep the principal amount intact while using the investment income for charitable efforts.
The Bishop Neumann High School Endowment fund was set up many years ago with the vision of the longevity of the school. The school maximizes this fund every year for operations. The long-term goal would be to make the fund large enough so the school could run 100% off of the fund. In turn, we could use other fundraising and tuition for capital improvements and programs. Please contact the development office if you’d like to contribute or remember the endowment in your will.
Endowment Board Minutes:
- Endowment Board Minutes 5-24-24
- Endowment Board Minutes 11-28-22
- Endowment Board Minutes 2-27-23
- Endowment Board Minutes 5-22-23
- Endowment Board Minutes 8-28-23
- Endowment Board Minutes 11-27-23
- Endowment Board Minutes 2-26-24
Need-Based Donor Scholarships
The following scholarships are need-based scholarships that were provided by the generosity of our donors and benefactors. The recipients of these scholarships must qualify for financial aid. Learn more about each scholarship and help support our scholarship programs by clicking the scholarship links below or by contacting the Development Office at 402-443-4151. Scholarship applications are to be filled out through FACTS and completed by March 31 each year.
- Dr. Clement & Sheila McGill Memorial Scholarship
- Sr. Michelle Hayek Memorial Scholarship
- Bethany & Tammi Kavan Memorial Scholarship
- Vennie & Mary Ann Kavan Memorial Scholarship
- Tending Roses Scholarship
- Thomas & Marie Konecky Scholarship
- Wayne Reeves Memorial Scholarship
- Lloyd & Aldean Townsend Memorial Scholarship
Non-Financial Need Donor Scholarships
The following scholarships are non-financial needs scholarships. To learn about the requirements and application process
of each scholarship, click on the scholarship below.
- Elizabeth “Ellie” Sabata Memorial Scholarship – for sophomores only*
- St. Damien of Molokai Scholarship
Non-Financial Need Donor College Scholarships
- Landen Michael Montanio FFA Memorial Scholarship
- Pflanz Family Scholarship
- Jerry Specht Memorial Scholarship