Neumann Intercessors

Be a Neumann Intercessor
 – This is an opportunity for parents, grandparents, and others in the community to support Bishop Neumann students, faculty, and staff through your prayers! There are several ways you can be an Intercessor.

1.      Commit to daily prayer and/or sacrifice for Neumann Students, Faculty, and Staff. This can be as little as one “Hail Mary” or giving up one treat or as a daily Rosary or eliminating some vice from your life. Whatever you decide to do, it will be between you and God, and he will bless our School for your actions.

2.      Spend ½ hour in adoration in the Bishop Neumann Chapel. Once per month, there will be exposition in the Chapel. We will need to have 2 people praying at all times. The dates for adoration are listed in the Event Calendar. A few days prior to the specified date, we’ll send out an email asking the Intercessors to sign up for ½ hour in the Chapel. You don’t have to commit to sign up every month, but try to make it as much as your schedule allows.

3.      Be included in the Community E-mail Prayer Chain. Put your email address down and receive prayer requests for members of the community (your email address will only be shared with the facilitator of the prayer chain).  If there are intentions for Neumann Students, Faculty, or Staff that you would like to add, you can send your request to the facilitator and it will be forwarded to all on the Community Prayer Chain.

Neumann Intercessors Sign-up ’22-23